Or something.
I had four phone calls wanting to know what was wrong now. Please, I'm emptying my head. If you've hung around all summer you know that already, don't pay me any mind. How often do you get an uncensored look directly into the brain of someone else?
You want fluff? I'm FINE. Fine. I went to the Aveda salon and had lowlights put in. To combat the straw appearance. And bangs were trimmed. And now I can get some laundry done and the kids are sacked out watching Madagascar. It wasn't a typical Monday by any means. Jake is in meetings all day, one of which involves Cole, isn't that just grand?
Yes, I thought so too.
But the bangs, the bangs rock. And I'm making muffins too.
Is that more normal? Oh and yes, I'm about to go clean the toilet. Well, once the muffins are out of the oven.