Monday 3 August 2020

Yes, even Caleb.

You have questions. That's fine. Doesn't mean I'll answer them. Well, not all of them.

No, this has nothing to do with sex.

No, Gage is not part of our commune. Well, he is but for now he continues to rent a room in the house and continues to be my tenant though he transfers the money directly to Lochlan and Lochlan uses it to supplement the grocery bill, as ever and so in and out and I don't see it. Gage will forever be the fairweather guy who stays for a while and then takes off so a lot less permanent than the others.

Of course August is part of this, as are Matt and Sam. I wanted everyone permanent, legally protected. I wanted us to feel like a family. While I trust everyone implicitly I still don't fuck with money and have no risk tolerance and that's why we are using a team of trustees to oversee the entire project.

It works. I've addressed absolutely every contingency. Have you met me? I don't move fast. Too busy being thorough. Caleb even said he couldn't think of any other holes in my plan and he's a goddamned finance attorney so if he can't no one can. It's very detailed and incredibly complicated and everyone seems happy. Two years ago I gave them all a year to think about my final plan to see if it was workable. We've added things and taken away others and everyone is satisfied, I hope. I let it go way over so that everyone had tons of time to sort through it. We held a thousand family meetings and it went into place yesterday, at last.

Or so I thought. Until this morning  PJ texted me after leaving the house and asked if it was okay if he bought a coffee.


When he came home he said he was kidding. He said the happy face on his text proved it.
