Friday 21 August 2020

I'm home for a moment to have a hot shower and wolf down some dinner and then I'm going back to the hospital. Ben has stabilized finally. The nurses said he is full of surprises and doing really well. He's had three surgeries, two frightening setbacks and a lot of really really good care over the past six days (it happened Sunday morning) and God bless the staff, they've been looking after me too.They're already talking about all the things he's going to do when he comes home but I can see on their faces that they say that as a thing to keep our spirits up. Half the time Ben is sleeping and not listening anyway. The other half I am too despondent to pretend that I am cheered from their effort but I get it. It's part of the job. 

May not be posting a lot but people wanted to know that he's alive. It's kind of all I want to know too. They said it's too soon to tell the future but I just need to know he's in it. That's all I care about right now.