Sunday 2 August 2020

We're official. No going back now.

Duncan is in fine form this morning. He did about five backflips off the cliff while I watched and sipped my coffee, venturing close to the edge every time to make sure he made it back to the surface (as did Dalton. And PJ. And Loch). Each time he came up we had a routine to enact and he finally got tired. He's sometimes like a toddler on sugar in that you need to wear him out and then he'll finally stop.

And promptly take a nap on you.

You finished?

I don't think so, not yet, Bridgie.

I would stick my tongue out at him, he would wink and then take a run at the cliff again.

This is enough adrenaline for them all. Somehow it works and now suddenly ten years have gone by here and the commune that was a strange experiment in the beginning is now a well-established system and we have made some rather significant changes to herald that milestone.

It's time to celebrate.

These aren't sudden changes, mind you, they have been things we have been working towards all along. Ten years is a very long time and these boys have worked hard and asked for absolutely nothing. They pitch in, they soothe each other, they help with everything and they've gone all-in. They've proved themselves a thousand times over and it's finally time they get their due.

We did away with a few major obstacles to the true success of this collective. We did away with the implied hierarchy, in that a core group were responsible for making all of the decisions. Now it's by a group vote.The children also have a vote as they are no longer children but full-fledged adults.

We did away with the financial system we used thus far. No one's not going to pull their weight, there is no class divide. We don't lend and borrow, we give freely and take if necessary. This was a long time in the making because legally I want everyone to be protected and I also wanted a system whereby we could live off interest and not need to touch principal but also allow for capital purchases without needing to apply to a committee, or defend whims or even second-guess each other but still protect the interests and worth of the group proper. And allow for change, if necessary. What if someone wants to leave? What is someone wants to join? After years of working through everything, from the little details to the big we've finally got it all sorted out.

(Note: At this time Batman and (new) Jake are not included and most likely never will be. Not for any reason other than it isn't necessary and Batman is a ridiculous loner over there at his Wayne mansion with his manservant Alfred (I mean Jake). This is not a bad thing, it's just the way it is and that's fine.)

Caleb even approved of the work I've done. He knows all the lawyers but we used an impartial group. We have no leaders here anymore. We're all equal. I am no longer the landlady or the center of atten-

Well, I am still the centre of attention. No amount of legislation within the Collective will ever change that.