Sunday 15 September 2019

The construct is flawed. Sam has already supervised the demolition and the site has been remediated, earmarked for something different?

What, exactly?

New memories. For example, Bridge, what were you doing five years ago this week?

Turning my attention to training camp for preseason hockey. Driving Ruth to work all the damn time. I spent my evenings in the car, I think. 

You remember it all. 

Of course. I have a gold-plated short term memory. 

But if you rebuild that will disappear and you'll remain rooted in ancient history. 

Because we've all moved on?

Exactly. Joel fails to catch my irony and I have to bite my tongue not to cast him out.

In the interest of full disclosure I spend most of my spare time rebuilding. But it's hard work. We're talking one cinder block a week. The concrete guys never showed up for the pour so we're taking it old school now-

Ever think your brain is preventing that progress because deep down you want to put it on the very back burner and turn it to low. 

How many analogies are you going to throw at me this visit?

All of them, if it helps. 

Maybe it does. 

Ah. The princess throws a bone to the poor hungry mind tamer.

I can feed you but you're no longer allowed to tame my mind. 

I can still help when times are quiet. As a friend, not as a professional. 

Or just be an actual friend and stop trying to stir the pot, destroy my progress or be a reminder of him. 

Is that what I am?

Not in the way that you want to be. August gets that designation forever. 

I know. 

Thank you for the honey delivery. 

I knew you'd appreciate it, Bridge. 

I do, and it's not even a euphemism. 

I know. That's sugar, right?