Thursday 25 June 2020

Holy fuck (burning for two).

Wearing cut off denim shorts and a t-shirt that reads I WISH YOU HAD SUBTITLES today, green bikini underneath. It's sunny and it will be warm though I will spend half of today ferrying my kids to their jobs hopefully with little overlap. Then I'll cook dinner and crash because I think if I got even five minutes of sleep last night I would be profoundly surprised.

Caleb walks into the kitchen, reads my t-shirt and laughs out loud, uproariously.

That's a good shirt.

It is.

Where did you find it?

John bought it somewhere online for me.

It's great. Honestly.

I smile at him. He's stopped being weird and is either resigned now or has opted to continue to ignore his fate. I think he's ignoring it, personally but as the day goes on we'll find out for sure. For now I am busy reading the white board. One side is chores, doubled down because three of us are away and so the chores are divided up, as they sadly don't take vacations, and the other side is (in Lochlan's handwriting)...

Theme weeks for summer camp.

Eight of them.

This is great:

  1. Camping camp (skills for the woods)
  2. Animal camp
  3. Mermaid camp
  4. Space camp
  5. Circus camp
  6. Circus camp2 (extended to a second week by popular demand)
  7. Sexy camp (adults only XXX)
  8. Extended longplay camp

There are badges?!

I'm in!