Thursday 29 March 2018

Well, then the Pope clearly hasn't met CALEB.

(Condemned souls just disappear, he says now. Right. Tell that to Cole.)

(Also, Caleb crossed a boundary when he got home like a goddamned finish line and I'm not speaking to him or about him today. Easter may be about fresh starts but he'll be lucky if I speak to him before Christmas.)

I'm busy trying to teach PJ Out on the Mira anyway. And I'm playing guitar along (haltingly, trust me) with singing so he can appreciate it better. It's really hard to do both and my fingers hurt. So does my heart when I sing it, really it does.

But it's Friday. It ain't raining and I already know who the rollerblading bunny is this year. So there are good things too.

There are always good things.

But hell is real.

Sorry to burst your bubbles.