Saturday 1 February 2020

All-business Saturdays.

Sorry, I checked out of today. I spent four hours flat on my back while Mark attacked the gaps in my suit with tattoos of various things found in nature, mostly bees, taking it until I cried Uncle because no amount of Bactine or zoning was going to get me any further. Then he wrapped all of my new tattoos and Lochlan took me out for a chicken sandwich, which was so good. I had a huge glass of lemonade and then ordered myself a piece of chocolate cake too. He watched me eat, asked if I was good and then we came home to rest.

Mark is tattooing Ben and Loch tomorrow. It's kind of fun, like a mini-vacation save for the fact that I have to hold my wrists at an unnatural angle tonight and I also can't slide my legs up onto the chair across from me underneath the big desk because I don't want to scrape them.

I love my tattoos. I went through a long period of hating all of them but with some reworks and some new direction the love is back with a vengeance.

It feels great. Tomorrow I'll be wrecked but right now this is wonderful. I had no phone, no book, no television, no boys, just a random spotify playlist that Mark has cobbled together and the odd bit of conversation but not much because he likes to concentrate while he works and I like to lie there and guess the artists of the songs he plays.