Saturday 29 February 2020

Self-aware? Nah.

The Collective is a mosaic, born of broken glass and shells, cemented back together into a beautiful image so distracting you forget the destruction required to make it. That's us. That's honestly us.

Caleb is thrilled with Batman's rare revelations, excited to be in first place, all the while knowing his brother is sick with a need no one should have.

I have half a mind to cancel the birthday as well, an impulsive desire of my own in which the evil isn't rewarded while the good remain unfulfilled.

But I never go that way. I never meet them in their games, truth be told, I don't manipulate one against another anymore nor do I look past the end of my fingertips to see anything other than what's in it for me. A problem in itself, mind you, but also a far less complicated one overall.

Batman came back around last night anyway and we spoke of it, biting back the difficult sins like lust and greed, trying to smother everything with a thin lacquer of values, opaque to the harsh sheen of the facts, ma'am and yes, it's a problem.

I need a clone, a spine, or a personal assistant. I need a megaphone or a billboard maybe. It will tell them how I feel. It will be backlit with my moods. Red for STOP FUCKING TOUCHING ME and blue for when I've fallen into the hole.

I need them to understand that things are going to have to change.

I need to stand behind Lochlan for a little bit while he fights a battle without a smug expression or a wounded heart, and I need everyone to just take a few steps back so I can run off in front, instead of running after everyone all the time.

It's so tenuously good right now and they're trying to ruin it, best they can.