Monday 24 February 2020

Not biting.

Lochlan's laugh is bitter and somewhat incredulous. So he's just going to go along behind me and appropriate my ideas? 

I don't know what he's doing. 

Don't worry, I'll be asking him. I'd rather he engage you on his big failure trips like last year. Works better for me. Fire is my thing, not his. His thing is money and he can have it. 

So that's a no?

Hell yeah it's a no, but I'll be the bad guy. 


Late last evening Caleb knocks on the doorframe. I look over my shoulder from where I sit wrapped in a blanket on the front porch, my Irish coffee all but forgotten as I draw while listening to the Blackout podcast. I finished Gaslight and I must say I'm really enjoying these while I paint. You get sucked right in but you don't have to take your focus off your work.

You can come out, no need to knock. This is a public space. 

I like your delineations on spaces here on the point. 

It seems to work. What's up?

You look very cozy. 

I'm enjoying the rain. 

So again I've missed the mark trying to plan an evening with all of your favourite elements, according to Pyro. I've chosen a bit of a re-do on your Valentine's Day and I'd like to plan something a little different with you now. I was mistaken in trying to keep it close to home, I think.


Yes, Neamhchiontach. 

It's your birthday, what would be fun? 

Dinner at a jazz club and some dancing, maybe a movie after.

Then that's what we should do.Though you know I'll sleep through the movie.

I know. Then you can stay the night. 

He's never going to allow-

It's just wishful thinking, Neamhchiontach. Let an old man have that.