Sunday 26 September 2021

Put your hands up and run.

Sam yanks the pillow out from underneath my face. I was so enjoying drifting in and out of dreamland underneath the rain pouring all over the skylight, enjoying the crisp warmth of a Matt/Samwich. They both smell like jasmine and sandalwood. They smell like freshly laundered velvet and rain. I don't even know but I forgot to ask what the soap was they use because it's so addicting. 

Coffee's ready, sleepyhead. 

Just leave me here. 

Church in two hours. 

I don't care. 

God cares. 

We've had this argument. He does not. 

Okay, well you're not staying here so if you're not coming with me then you have to go home. 

Ah, the sting of being dismissed. How I hate it. 

Matt sits up and pulls me up with him, kissing my cheek. Bye, sunshine. 

Wow, you guys really know how to shut off a party.

I only came over to see if they were watching scary movies, as Sam had mentioned they might be on Friday. Caleb and Lochlan were holed up in the library 'talking' with the door closed, because apparently the jarring nature of seeing Lochlan's breakup speech in print hammered home some residual guilt. Lochlan, I think, was pretty sure that as an unreliable fourteen year old girl, I would also quickly forget what he said to be mean and move on. 

(Me? Do I move on? Ha. Never.)

It's Sunday. 

Right. Do you actually mind if I just stay and sleep though? 

You don't get to be alone. We'll take you back over in a few. We're heading out for breakfast before worship so if you don't want to join us then you have to turn back into a pumpkin now, I'm afraid.

Gotcha. I get up and let the sheets fall just so they know that I am way more of a fun Sunday than church.

God help us. 

I told you, good luck with that. 

Sam walks over and slides my dress over my head. Get. Ready. I have to go. 

Boo, I say as my head pops through the hole. 

Scary Bridge! He says and laughs. I get a kiss on the other cheek from him and I am turned and marched out the door.