Monday 19 April 2021


I want to pinch the bridge of my nose and bemoan ever writing a word, some days, waking up to a dozen emails from people wondering why Christian felt the need to rat out Caleb's attitude and why Schuyler functions as the only actual adult around here sometimes. 

Schuyler asked Christian if he was heading over to the bonfire next door. They live in the same house. Every Sunday night weather-permitting we have a fire and sit around and talk. It's an open weekly invite. Everyone comes and goes. So a harmless question followed by a harmless response that no, because Caleb was acting like an asshole so Christian was going to skip it since he was hot (it was thirty degrees in the shade at this point) and tired and didn't feel like sparring or even dealing with anything tonight. Sometimes people get their feelings hurt. Lord knows we have enough of them around here.

Both people AND feelings, I mean.

So Schuyler came around to see if he and Daniel should run to the store for anything for the evening and Schuyler is a certified grownup, a peacemaker and also an alpha around here so he just made sure everything was good. They keep each other in check, my boys. If someone is acting out the others step in and help out and help fix it, help smooth things over and help protect anyone being marginalized or unduly targeted. There is no room for bullying here and we all know who the bullies are when they spool up so Schuyler just does a little crowd calming. August would have done it but he was making snacks and hadn't arrived yet. 

Does that help? Maybe I gloss over the wrong parts? I don't know. I just put down what I need to put down. Always assume the best, here, I guess is what I'm saying. We need to have people like Schuyler who can help keep a commune of this size running smoothly. We all work our butts off to keep it running smoothly but we're all also overly emotional, ridiculously immature and terribly passionate too. 

I would not have it either way. 

Schuyler also made me sit on the counter in the bathroom for fifteen minutes while he and Lochlan cleaned and bandaged my foot which again is funny only because I hate anyone touching my feet. Absolutely can't stand it. 

And first thing this morning a massive gift basket arrived from Ransom and Emmett and crew for the horrible oversight leading to injury and if I had to seek medical attention to let them know. They have liability insurance or something. It's really not that bad. It will heal eventually but I have to keep it clean and I never wear shoes. The bottoms of my feet are always black by lunchtime. 

Okay can we get back to business now?