Sunday 1 November 2020

Pumpkinhead butternauts.

I will build my own empire
And banish myself from you there
I don't want to remember
The love light has shown
I won't fight our destiny
Cause you and I will always be alone

Morning. There's a fire in the woodstove again but I believe most of us are still next door. I tapped out at two, coming home to sleep for a few hours. Schuyler and Dan walked me home and settled me in and then went back. They plugged my phone in for me. They made sure I was tucked in tightly. They left the pumpkin lights on the hearth on so that it would be a festive-rest, I guess and this morning the lights were gone.

Lochlan is making coffee. He's still in his suit. Pants and shirt, anyway, tie looped around his neck, curls escaping from his loose low bun as always. He's still going, home to see if I was awake, sticking around for a few. Ruth is spending the night at her boyfriend's family home. Henry was at his best friend's house all night and came home late. I know because Dalton and Andrew walked up the road, sent by me, to meet him, since it's Halloween night. They reported back, amused because Henry is over six feet tall and almost twenty but I still worry about him, and that won't change.

I worry about everything. It's as if they don't even know me.

He has begun to take down the Halloween decorations. I'm certain later on today they will bring in big sheets of feather padding to cover every sharp edge in my life for a hundred miles.

I take the coffee and Lochlan asks me if I'm coming back to the party with him.

No. Two in the morning is lots. 

There is french toast. 

Let me get dressed. 

His face breaks into a smile. And bacon.

I'm not even going to change out of these pajamas then. Grab my coat?

That's my peanut.