Tuesday 19 May 2020

Have tent, will perform.

Matt and Sam made everyone breakfast this morning as a thank you for the wedding, something they didn't expect but something we are oddly good at. They would have done it yesterday morning but we were up all night and this was the quietest property you ever saw yesterday as very little happened and no one woke up for hours and hours, until the day was almost gone. No point in trying to feed people who aren't awake.

You should be squired away having a honeymoon, I protested as Matt put the most drool-inducing plate in front of my nose. Fried tomato slices, back bacon, grilled English muffins and poached eggs with rosemary. Sam poured me a cup of coffee and said I was not to move, that he had organized a committee to unwind the lights.

Can't we leave them?

You'll get electrocuted, Lochlan pointed out. I'm surprised they still work after that rain. They're not outdoor lights.

I'll risk it, I point out helpfully and Lochlan frowns.

Then who would plan a beautiful funeral? He asks as he takes his plate to the sink. He was starving and ate while I was chattering, as always. Eat, he points at my plate. While it's hot. I dutifully pick up my fork and dig in while they head outside to unwind at least eighty kilometres of fairy lights and a hundred yards of tulle.

I actually had that all in storage to make my own circus tent someday, I mutter and Lochlan stops in his tracks, turning at the open door.

Say that again?

It was going to be my own circus tent. I wish you'd leave it.

I think he's decided I'm insane and he walks out the door. I hear him call Sam's name. Leave it up. We're leaving it, he yells.


He comes back in. You are not to touch those wires. Ever. If you do it all comes down. I don't want to come out looking for you and find a burned spot on the grass where you used to be.

But that would be neat-
