Thursday 5 March 2020

Ten hours later and I'm...not done yet and I hate everyone.

Shit's about to get real. After five faulty devices in a row I (meaning Lochlan) has had enough and I have to reset my phone as new. I'm a huge fan of just restoring from a backup oh...forever.

I'm also a SLIder (or a witch? An indigo child? A...WEIRDO?) so huh. Phones, watches, streetlights, car fobs, televisions, they don't work around me. Not the way they should, anyway.

I guess Loch will get his (not at all redundant) confirmation of that soon.

Did you back it up?

Yes. I synced my photos and then emailed myself my notepads, period data and soundhound searches. Then I wrote everything else down.


Want to keep these?

What? No.



For the tv.

Right. No.

You used to need it.

I don't know how to turn the tv on anymore.

There's a button on the fr-

The input, I mean! I can't find the input. I's fine. I can watch things on my laptop or the ipad.

True. What about-

Do they still sell flip phones?


Yeah, I know.