For someone who doesn't mind me talking about the lap dances, he sure has one heck of a strong opinion about today's post, and I don't mind clarifying, to save the preacher a little embarrassment.
-He's really a very nice boy.
-Who doesn't so much think he is better than anyone.
-Who doesn't actually call people names.
-And has only made a few successful knock-out punches in his life because he doesn't think violence is the answer.
And the comment about him being able to work his penis properly maybe should not have ended "with all the readers I have." Because clearly he is not working it with the readers.
Oh shush. Keep your fantasies to yourself.
That is all. Pad Thai awaits, and your Bridget will try to be a little more lucid tomorrow. Last night was a long night. Ice falling, noises, dreams and the penis that worked very very well.