Friday 20 May 2022

No one banished the bug.

Today I had a phone call from the Devil, which I was permitted to answer, I got bitten by a ladybug after doing some garden prep ahead of this weekend's planting and I was cleared to swim, and so swim I did, first around the point after jumping off the cliff to celebrate, and then in the pool this afternoon with the boys and the cover a quarter open to the sunny skies, as we celebrated the first nice day this year. It's almost twenty degrees and I am embracing it. 

Daniel also trimmed my hair for me as it somehow grew two inches after he cut it all off a month ago and so this time it is boy-short and I love it. 

I harboured no bad feelings toward the ladybug, who didn't want to be trapped under my shirt any more than I wanted it there and I released it into the backyard after losing and catching it twice from the couch to the patio doors. 

The Devil is doing well and was very pleased to learn I have the all-clear and there is hardly a mark there now, just a pink semicircle where the punctures were. No more scabs, and the bruising has faded to a yellow-brown shadow. Not that I would know but Ben looks and then gives me highly detailed reports from my backside which makes me laugh and then he'll make terrible jokes or even worse propositions and I have to bury my laughs in my hands because it isn't supposed to be funny. 

But yes, floating in the coldish pool in the warm sun on a Friday afternoon is possibly the best thing. We even invited Batman and New Jake but neither of them showed while I was there. Maybe they did later. I'm hoping to go back in after dinner for a quick swim but dinner is always so late and I have to wait an appropriate amount of time so maybe not tonight.

Maybe tomorrow though.