Wednesday 27 October 2021

It's because they're deep too.

I did not get Chipotle. I had like three Pringles from the can before someone stole it and then realized how hungry I was by dinner time and decimated a huge plate of pork fried rice with onions and peppers and carrots. There's still a little bit left so today maybe I'll get lunch. 

Instead PJ and the boys were dealing with a midnight-black bear the size of my jeep who climbed over the really high fence beside the upper flower gardens and seemed incredibly content to walk around sniffing things and it wasn't until I told them to clap really hard that they figured out the noise part. I guess bears are habituated to their voices since he wasn't even responding to their shouts.

Finally after a few rounds of applause the bear got what he wanted and left. And now the chaperones come out of the woodwork since it's been a minute since we've seen one on the property. I never did refill the bird feeders and there's no garbage and we don't leave the garage doors open so he can't peruse the big deep freezer so he really picked the wrong house save for giving me some quiet lumbering beauty to gaze upon while I watched him from the porch. 

I have another hurt hand today anyway as I was outside raking leaves between storms and the rake is a heavyish metal number and I had a glove on and was using my left hand to kind of cajole the piles of leaves into order and used my broken casted hand to press the rake down and now I have a blister that is worn through to *bone* on my left thumb and it fucking HURRRTTTTTTS until Lochlan put antibiotic cream and a big bandage on it. 

Now it feels fine as long as nothing touches it. 

I wanted to pet the bear but Lochlan had me by my hood because he knows. I'm fast and exceedingly foolish and absolutely in love with the bears here and how they come down off the mountain and show up for dinner and find nothing and wander off again. 

I like to think he (or she) was checking up on me.