Sunday 24 October 2021

A little grace this morning, as we didn't hear from Sam, urging us to attend church. He only sent a message for me to text him and he'd be here in seconds if I need/want him. Everyone's doing that weird thing where their ideas for sanity and safety dry up and their words disappear on the wind and become muddied in the rain and there's nothing left to say and all we can do ride out the storm. All I can do is cover my ears against the voice in my brain, against the memories as they fly out of the cabinets, singed and sooted from years of fighting destruction at the hands of my beloved boys. 

You've missed him longer than you knew him, at this point, Lochlan says and I begin to hear a high-pitched noise behind everything else. He covers my ears with his hands and pulls me in close. I don't have to get up today. I don't have to talk. I don't have to do anything except tick off the minutes as they go by.