Thursday 24 September 2020

The sort of thoughts in my head, at any given moment (cut the cord and kill the lights).

This is not about Ben. He's doing well and no I don't want to talk about the pills. No one does but there they are. Goddammit.


When is 10 Years' song Unknown going to be the theme for the most epic adventure movie ever made? How long? Minutes? Is it already licensed? I'll be waiting for it. But then the next track is Waiting and it's so catchy and also Without You is really good too and wow, this new album (Violent Allies) has surprised me. It's one of those ones where I almost regret buying it on first listen and by the fourth listen it's my favourite and I draw my sword, ready to die defending it. They're so underrated. Like, criminally.

Right, that good.

I don't have a sword though. The closest one is uh, I think it's Bilbo's sword that the Elves gave him. Right. It's hanging at the bottom of the steps to the theatre. We are not nerds, what gave you that idea? 

(I've been corrected, it's a dagger. But it's HUGE.

To you it is. 



I should go out and get a few groceries. Eh. No. Maybe PJ will drive. PJ is still in pajama pants. The storm is supposed to get worse. We had thunder on the water this morning and it was incredible to listen to, something I indulged in from the front of Lochlan's flannel shirt, the top button between my eyes as always. The cool crunchy clean flannel coupled with the rumbling, the warmth and the swift breeze. It was wonderful. I wish I could bottle that. I'd call it Storm From The Safety Of A Hug or something.


I am four hours and forty-five minutes into the Twilight saga on Netflix and it's SO GOOD. I watched it twelve years ago when Ruth was nine and I'm pretty sure I spent the whole thing wondering if it was too scary for her and definitely too scary for Henry, who was seven when it began and I probably dismissed it out of hand though the books were amazing but since Midnight Sun is so good we're watching the movies too and they have aged exceeding well and I'm really enjoying them to bits. At the beginning I think it was Gage who made some comment about how Bella could possibly be so sure she found her soulmate so immediately and surely and I threw a glance at Lochlan, who glanced back as if he is a vampire and I am a hapless high school student. 

It does happen like that, only he isn't a vampire but emotionally I am definitely and forever will be a hapless high school student. 

(OMGOSH. Can you imagine if Edward was a carny? I mean the risks wouldn't transfer but the hotness would TRIPLE.)

I also got called out for snorting every time they mention Jasper, as that was the name of Batman's former assistant and he and I did NOT get along and eventually I won though now Batman is five times lonelier and I can't help that but Jasper tried to blackmail me thinking I would go away and he was the one who was sent, instead. I don't know why people fuck with me so much. It's not a good idea.


I had a great laugh this morning about a thing in the foreign papers detailing a Russian Jesus presiding over a commune in the woods of Siberia. Except they called it a cult and they swooped in with helicopters and armed swat teams to break it up, calling it an illegal religious organization. They said he was brainwashing the members and taking money from them. 

That can't be the whole story but it's not like we'll get any followup information. Russia's a weird world, to be honest. Trust me. I know this.

If the helicopters landed here on the point to take away me, a tiny blonde Jesus, to whom everyone here has pledged their lives, all that they have, all that they are, worshipping at my knees I would be surprised because colour me wrong, I don't think any of this is illeg-

PJ is laughing*.

Am I wrong?

Oh, I have no idea. I wasn't laughing about that.

What are you laughing about?

How into Twilight you are suddenly. 

It's really good, PJ. Stop resisting.

Oh, I haven't even started yet.

 *(The inevitable footnote here is that he is damn near thrilled that the relentless haunting of Bridget isn't currently dragging the whole point into the sea, clutched up in her white-knuckle grip, pulling with all her might to get the ghost to step off the fabric of her life. He won't, of course and so the Twilight distraction is the stalemate while I wait for something to change. The day is young though, right?)
