Friday 4 September 2020

Icing, lies and unbroken yolks.

So I finished Heidi and I'm telling you, calling it my most beloved book of my entire childhood now means my childhood was basically a lie, covered in goat cheese. 

The ending was a nice comfy discourse between not-disabled-child anymore Clara and miracle holy child Heidi, who has fixed everyone's miserable lives and then points out you don't have to wish for specific shit from God, he will simply gaze down upon you and figure out how to give you exactly what you need! 

And they lived happily ever-

WTF. *throws book at wall* *Lochlan comes bounding up the steps a moment later*

You oka...ah. I see you finished the book. 

Boy, DID I! 

He laughs and heads back downstairs. 

When I next saw the book it was neatly on the shelf again. Sure, I'll keep it for the cheese-toast and milk breakfast descriptions but otherwise fuck that. Worst book ever. Can't believe I didn't remember anything else. Maybe I blocked it out to self-preserve.

Next up is Midnight Sun. I'm the biggest secret Twilight franchise fan that ever was. Looking forward to this. Wish I had bought it a few weeks ago so I could have remained in the dark forever about Heidi's true purpose as the Son of God disguised as an unwanted orphan girl clinging to a steep Swiss mountainside. 

Vampires are always better.


Tomorrow is Lochlan's birthday, yesterday was Ruth's. It's a whole week of celebrating here and I am enjoying it. Even the work part of throwing big special dinners and baking multiple cakes is fun. No pressure these days. I'm in awe of how beautifully both my kids have grown up and as always like to remain fairly private about them because this blog isn't about parenting or a peek inside my life, it's simply a place for my brain to throw words at a blank page and see what sticks. 

 But you know this. So stop asking for more about them.


Caleb landed a gentle kiss on my cheek as I made eggs for breakfast this morning and asked if there was enough for him, or could I leave the pan on the range and he could make some as well. 

There's tons. Grab your plate, I assure him that I'm not giving him the silent treatment or anything, I'm  just waiting to take my cues from Ben, who is hungry and all he wants to do is eat and sleep and sleep some more. Collective politics can wait. 

We extended that courtesy to Caleb the last time he had to have a hospital visit, you'd think he would return the favour.

Instead I get a text later. Nightcap?

Maybe, I write back if for no other reason than to make him hope. Maybe God will just see what he needs and drop me down the mountain. Surprise, Diabhal! 

Fuck my life.