Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Barometric pressure.

What's on my mind today?

-A bit of amusement over many readers (not just a handful, a whole bunch) reading in the paper about the Rainbow Family gathering in BC going on right now and asking me if that's what our Collective is part of.

We are not a part of any other group. We're self-contained. Not a branch/division/offshoot in any way, sorry. We're not part of a polyandrous movement nor are we political or public. You can't show up and we'll welcome you or anything like that. We're just us. No name/banner/heading or defined movement. Stop searching, holy Lord.

-A wonderous moment listening to Jenny Gear and the Whiskey Kittens this morning on the stereo and wishing she would do a duet with Ed Sheeran.

I've been listening to Jenny's single album since the children were babies. It makes me sad she hasn't put anything else out.

-I'm on the hunt for a copy of Hoffman's The Museum of Extraordinary Gifts, a book that seems intriguing, and relevant to my life and I can't find any copies locally and I'm NOT buying it online. Mail has slowed to a crawl here and nothing's coming in that isn't weeks or months late. I can wait.

-What to make for supper. I took a huge tray of chicken out of the freezer this morning. I think it will become fajitas. Maybe with rice.

-Corey. He came out to return some things after isolating for a couple weeks after his trip and was mad that he didn't know Mark was here doing some tattooing. You know, while Corey was overseas for work. Was I supposed to keep Mark here? I don't know. It's been so long I'm already swimming again so not like it just happened. Corey and I don't get along. I try. He is aggressive and adversarial with me as ever. He said it's just our personalities clashing. I would say it's bitterness and humiliation over a business deal gone wrong. Because I'm right and I know that's why. He came right out of the gate and said I could sleep with him if I would be in his music videos. I asked for a cheque instead. He's never forgiven me. I've now been in a BUNCH of videos of his in twenty years. Every cheque he gives me I donate to an animal shelter.

-I'm wondering if Patagonia clothes will fit. I spent high school in an XL light jacket that came down to my knees because who needed fashion when there were boyfriend jackets to steal? But they have really cute skorts now. I don't know if they have petite sizes or maybe kid sizes will work but again, I'd be waiting three months for the package and by then summer is over.

-Jacob's been waiting by the swing for me for two days and I don't know how to tell the right people. He said I should follow him. I mean, I probably could just to see what's up but for some reason I'm afraid of him and that makes me feel ashamed. I know he wants to discuss the thing with Gage and probably the easy forgiveness of the Devil but if I don't have to answer to the living then I don't have to answer to the dead.  It makes me sad though. He still wants to advocate for me from heaven or purgatory or where ever it is that he rests and what does he get instead? Me ranging wildly between fajitas and the justifications for my ridiculous sex life. This is why he left. One hundred percent. They say he was profoundly depressed and I was a last chance for him to find happiness and look at what he found instead.

That's what's on my fucking rotten little mind. Be sorry you asked.