Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Snow in the forecast for +3000 feet. Happy Canada Day!

There's a deluge outside. They have closed the pool, put the steps to the beach and the sauna off limits and towed the camper into the garage to address the leaks and get it dried out.

Camp is officially getting a re-opening day this coming Monday, a week behind schedule, which is fine as Labour day is late this year too and we can extend a little bit into September, no problem.

Lochlan forgot to do the re-caulking on one tiny area and it wreaked a little bit of havoc but he pulled everything out in that section, pulled up the flooring and took off the wall panels (he makes built-ins) and he said it will be as right as this rain is by Friday.

I know it will because he's always done these jobs and repairs and it's not catastrophic or anything. Hell, it's a tiny little camper with wheels as wide as my hands and not much more.

It's also heater-less and it's ten degrees right now so if anyone needs me I'll be in the fireplace.