Monday, 26 June 2006

Up with the sunrise.

This morning Jacob woke me up at 5:30.

5:30! Someone has a deathwish. Even the kids have outgrown that ungodly hour.

He put my weekend carpet bag on the bed and sat down and told me a joke:

Q. What does an owl need for his bath?
A. A t-owl

After about 10 minutes of thinking, rather dumbly because I'm sitting there just trying to get both of my eyes to stay open at the same time, I clued in and remembered the cottage.

Surprise! (I get one-upped every. single. time.)

We're starting Monday with a brief getaway, going back up to that cottage by the lake to do absolutely nothing but tell owl jokes (he told me owl jokes to break the ice so many times that weekend) and sleep and swim and sleep and eat grilled food. The kids are already so excited. There are grey owls up there, it's beautiful. Quiet & beautiful. Exactly what we need. No computers, no well-meaning friends, no lawyers, no appointments.

Our first actual mini-vacation as a family. I have chills.

We'll be back on Thursday and when I return I promise to share the stories of how I lost the decade-long hearing battle, how Ben just about succeeded in pounding in the last nail in the friendship coffin with Jake on Saturday night and all the other news.