Monday 11 November 2019

Oh my heck. WHY.

In a completely unexpected twist this Remembrance day Monday, I received a random dick photo in my email. I don't believe I like surprises like that. It wasn't from anyone I know. I guess a reader? The boys don't do that sort of thing so it was dismaying to say what is...wait, is that? What the fuck..and go through all of the stages of surprise to discover yes, it's someone's penis right there on my screen.

I don't even know what I'm supposed to do. Can I report this? Unwanted nude photos? Is it spam? I mean, it looks like spam. Pink and...compact and not very good. I forwarded it to Schuyler for advice with all caps warnings and he passed it around the point, collating a fine and hilarious list of unkind reviews. If whoever owns that was here in person they might have burst into flames for the level of humiliation in absentia the boys have levelled on someone they don't even know.

Before you decide we're mean, remember I didn't ask for that photo. I don't want your intimate pictures. I don't know you. And as I said, we don't do that kind of thing. We're not twelve or even twenty and sending nude pictures on the internet is asking for trouble.  Just ask the guy who sent me this one.

My policy was always if I wanted and deserved to see someone without their clothes on I can just go and ask. No one's turned me down yet.

Christ. This is why I don't like the internet.