Thursday 9 August 2007

Bridget and the big bad wolf.

Ruth and Henry arrived safely yesterday late in the afternoon, tired and grumpy and full of stories and logical arguments on why they could now stay up until 10 pm, drink full bottles of lemonade (One for each, mommy!) and wear their shoes in the house.

Cole's parents were always the most permissive people I have ever met. So permissive that instead of grandma flying back with them and spending a day or two here as we planned, they were easily talked into a different plan.

One I knew nothing about until I saw my brother in law walk through the gate with my children.

Jacob had a colorful response to that sight.

Oh ye got to be kiddin' the fuck right outter us.

From the top of the escalator Caleb shot me a smug warning look over Ruth's head that basically said Control the giant. Your children are watching us.
Jacob had other plans and went right to the gate and grabbed the kids up in a hug and quietly told Caleb to turn around and go back into whatever hole he crawled out of. Caleb smiled in his cocky way and loudly pointed out that Ruth and Henry wanted him to stay for dinner tonight as a last supper since they had all had so much fun back home at the beach.

He enjoys twisting Jacob's screws. That or he has a deathwish.

Caleb isn't dumb, though sitting at my dinner table protected by children's ideals since that was the only thing keeping Jacob from hammering him into the ground headfirst I was beginning to have my doubts.

He was smart enough to keep the focus on the kids and then Jacob took them up to get them into bed, they were so exhausted from a long travel day. I couldn't leave Caleb alone with Jake and Jake didn't want to leave me alone with Caleb but I was the lesser evil and so he went up, reluctantly.

The kids are doing really well, Bridge. I'm impressed. They're just about seasoned travelers now.

Thanks. Next time you want to spend time with them check with me first, please.

The folks had a good handle on it and I love to spend time with family. They're my blood, they're all I have left of my brother.

Me too, so please don't put them in the middle.

In the middle of what? It was harmless fun and I brought them back to save mom the trip.

You're messing with my head, Caleb.

Your little head is already profoundly messed up, Bridget.

Leave, please.

I think we should talk.

About what?

About you removing the drug mentions from your diary and writing an apology to me there. I don't do drugs.

There were drugs all over your apartment.

Really? Prove it. Prove they were mine, even.

I don't have to prove it. I saw them and we got the hell out.

Take it down.

Fine. But it doesn't make you any less of an asshole.

(I edited while he stood over me. He knows people. He is people.)

Remember what I told you about one-sided stories?

Are you going to threaten to sue me again?

What if I hadn't brought them home, Bridge? What if I had taken the kids somewhere else?

He reached out and stroked my cheek.

I looked up into his eyes, at his beautiful face, so much like Cole's. I wasn't going to just sit there and be told that I would now live in fear again. Something in my brain snapped. I went at him with plans to scratch his eyes blind and Caleb caught me and bent my arms back until I cried for him to let go when my elbow gave out. He didn't let go. I was on the floor and he wouldn't let go.

Jacob made him let go.

Jacob put Caleb in the hospital.

Caleb, who rarely had the time of day for me unless I could travel with him and spent little time with us when Cole was alive who suddenly seems to have such high stakes in this family since Cole's death and I can't understand it. I curse every encounter I've ever had with him, at this point.

And I wonder when I look at the children, exactly which awful traits they inherited from their father's side and which ones they're going to get from me.

It got chalked up today as a 'resolved' domestic dispute. Jacob was warned that his idea of self defense was harsh but warranted, as he perceived a threat to me. Caleb will be or has been instructed to stay away from all of us and I from him. Because I know better. Somehow I keep thinking he has to be a part of their lives, but he doesn't. He isn't and he won't be anymore. The bridge is now burned. Destruction of it comes in the form of an order of protection.


I'm okay today really. Mood stabilizers are lovely things. Empathetic police officers are lovely too. Understanding grandparents are even better.