Monday, 9 June 2014

Just a precaution.

No one is mad at me anymore, especially since Caleb didn't exactly make it all that clear that he continued the electric fence all around the other side of the driveway from the little cathedral of trees out front to the other side of the orchard when he had the stables built, just in case.

It would have been pertinent information for a girl who likes to wander in the woods away from the house because I figured, oh, I can just climb over this and get back without having to retrace my path so I grabbed it with both hands and the snap I heard before I hit the ground sort of surprised me in that in came from inside my head somewhere.

So yes! I'm pretty sure I might be the only one here in Emergency with 'electrified' on her triage form.

I feel fine. Well, I feel dumb, my eyes are ridiculously bloodshot and there's smoke coming out my ears but really, I'm fine.