Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Just gimme that lightbulb and shut the fuck up while I turn it on using only my lunacy.

Lochlan helpfully pointed out last evening that if I do indeed have the legitimate gift of sight we're hitting the road this week. He laughed bitterly and said this time it would be safer than being home, and the irony was found and dispatched with quite quickly, I'll have you know. I foretold my own death here on Saturday in a post that was meant to be flip and wonderful and then Monday I blew myself to kingdom come.

I replied back that I was too busy trying to give off sparks from my fingertips and no way in hell am I going to tell fortunes, instead I'm going back as the Electric Lady.

I'm okay though! I have a theory in that if you can talk or text you must be okay, right? That's why I posted on Monday as we sat incredulously in the ER with people who had...colds and...splinters.

Eventually I had a whole team of doctors come and visit me, put me through a host of tests and ask me so many questions by the end of it I couldn't have told you where I was even born and then I was released into the wild that is Ben and Loch and as we were walking to the parking lot I managed to get a nosebleed and then promptly threw up on Ben. I didn't mean to, it just happened. Yuck. Jesus.

We went back in to the hospital and this time they didn't let me go home because during/after the nosebleed, my heart decided to find a whole new rhythm.


Last night though, I got home. The hospital needed the bed and I didn't throw up again after the first time so they said the whole thing might be just due being in shock and I laughed at the pun. No one else did. Ben washed my hair and my face in a bath, I slept for twelve hours, had some food with Ruth and Henry who asked me to stay inside and then I was soundly refused a request to go and see Caleb, because I wanted to know what possesses a man to put up an electric fence capable of 'deterring' a five-hundred-pound black bear but doesn't let anyone know. 

The only damage done appears to be to my soul, aside from the worst taste in my mouth that nothing seems to touch and the fact that my earrings had to be cut off. They think the bolt went out my head and so the boys have to watch for behavioral changes in case I fried my brain. I would be worried but I wished for this so many times over, maybe it's for the best if it is. And no one knows why the tiny rings I wear sometimes fused themselves because they're barely sterling but who am I to question what happens precisely when you grab a wire and leave the ground because it's a familiar action and not all that hard to do.

I took an ego moment and thought I would try balancing but then I realized in an instant that I had picked the wrong wire to walk on and I'm really glad I landed on some fairly soft ground. I'm even more glad that I wasn't near the cliffs on the other side.

 I'm not allowed out of anyone's sight now, FYI.