Thursday 10 March 2022

Supervillains (and Vanity Flair).

I just read the most terrible, downright...obsequious article and honestly, does it make any sense to frame your subject in such a way, so..transparently when the other articles in the same publication consist of a list of books we all should read and a list of face products we need to try? 


Fucking hell. "Time flies around her in a nonlinear fashion". Dear sweet Christ. Someone begged for that assignment. On his fucking knees.


I actually hate the internet today. Be warned. Between seeing that Putin bombed a maternity hospital (you're never more vulnerable than when giving birth) and pretty much, oh, everything else I'm going to disappear into the only true equalizer (and my all-time best lover, Netflix) and live out the rest of my days watching nice things happen on the screen and just pretend it's my life.


Please, Neamhchiontach.

Five weeks to go. Easter is exceedingly late this year and Caleb has already had more than enough of Lent and my plans to see it through. He's gone from pouting to openly protesting to worrying to threatening and back around to moping. I guess those are his Five Stages of Disbelief. 

I'm not concerned. He will live. No one is writing articles about him. He's rich but he's not that kind of rich and he's also one of the rich who doesn't advertise it so you won't find articles about him in the newspaper or local magazines because by the time he had any money (all of it new) we had Benjamin and we all made an effort to keep Ben's tiny island of privacy as quiet as we could. Even Caleb, who was just starting out and back then Cole was the millionaire, though it was never millions, and we kind of knew Batman but he wasn't (and still isn't) exactly in the fold. 


Should I buy the Swiss village outside of Golden? Six houses, the perfect place for a commune, truth be told. 

If you're a billy goat. Lochlan laughs. Besides, it's not near the water. 

Oh, nevermind then. 

I know vaguely where Golden is but I wasn't actually paying attention. We haven't made it past Chilliwack, honestly. After living in the Prairies for so long I have no desire to be away from the sea ever again.