Monday 7 October 2019

I walk down the same path as ever. I never know this fork, that bend. Nothing ever looks familiar though they have shown me the way. They led me down it. They stood at the end and called my name but I never heard them, not even once as I stumbled along, tripping, feeling that cold lurch as my heart, broken and shrivelled, slipped out from between my ribs with their claw marks from the wolves trying to get in and the blown out holes from the light trying to get out. At first I would cry out in alarm and fumble for my heart while they helped. Now I just scramble to collect it and shove it back in painfully before they notice.

This path scares me. It's never daylight. It never leads anywhere. Just when I think it gets to the end, it turns the corner and keeps going. The brambles scratch along my arms and legs, the rocks threaten to dump me on my ass, the mud tries to suck me down.

Lochlan comes charging back, picking up my heart as it rolls to a stop at his feet. He shoves it in his pocket and takes my hand, tucking it against his chest, under his arm and turns to continue on.

Come on, Bridgie. It's not long now.