Friday 24 October 2008

Things I like today.

Humor me. Seriously.
  • Big boots leaving mud and leaves tracked across the back porch and right through the kitchen.
  • The last inch of honey in the jar at breakfast and it was all mine.
  • Men who spontaneously open their arms for a hug when they see me.
  • Eyes that crinkle when they smile.
  • Breath that smells like coffee and cigarettes (bet I'm the only one who loves that).
  • Threadbare quilts on beds. Being used, not being folded and left hidden in a closet.
  • A big pot of chili bubbling on the stove.
  • My minty big old truck, gosh, she runs rich.
  • Henry's invented name for his stepfather: Ben-Dad (I don't have the heart to point out it sounds like band-aid). Ruth has started using it too.
  • Five more jars of honey in the basement dry pantry.
  • The suddenly in-full-bloom rosebush in the backyard. Snow is in the forecast.
  • Spending most of the day on the couch mushed between Andrew and Ben, arranging words on my laptop while they ignored me in favor of watching CNN.
  • Life. I like life. The hard parts, I guess eventually they'll pass and everything will even out and there will probably be more ups and downs but really they will be small potatoes compared to the last several years and I'll be ready for whatever happens next. I think I already am.
Blame the drugs. These ones are AWESOME.