I somehow skipped right over Robbie Burns Day and Groundhog day too. I no longer know what day it is, other than later than before, as it's light out when I get up and I love that.
It's also light out until after I start supper and we all know I love that too, even though we're in a deep-freeze fugue state over here as of late. I don't know who's medicating me now but I love it. The walking twilight sleep (team Jacob, sorry, that's my own joke but it stays). I can't remember the other guy's name any more but it's not important.
I took my earrings off and left them in the dish by the sink. Anything touching my ears gives me anxiety. I should learn.
I put on my heaviest winter coat and went down the highway to the grocery store, fully a quarter of the drive in four high. It's crappy out lately but I don't have to go anywhere for the next forty-eight hours and just get through the cold snap and then we're in the clear.
I'm watching Yellowstone. I don't know if you remember but twenty years ago when 2 Fast 2 Furious came out and I spoke of my love/hate relationship with Cole Hauser and imagine my surprise when he's on this show and everyone's like Dammmmmmmnnnnnn he's so hot and I'm like, oh please, that's one of my fake movie boyfriends from a hundred years ago. So we're watching the new show and all I can think is what's happened to him? Why does he look so different? That can't be the same guy and then I realized it's been twenty years and we've both grown old.
It figures.
The show is good though. Very soapy. It's giving Try Hard. It's giving Dallas. Kevin Costner is almost eighty I think? Why does he never change? He was that old in Dances With Wolves and I still don't like him. I do love the character of Beth. You know she hurts a hell of a lot and she's taking everyone down with her. I wish I had seen this show twenty years ago. Things would be vastly different.