Saturday 1 October 2022


My sushi came in contact with shellfish tonight so I ate and then lost all the feeling in my face and it turned bright red and swelled up a little. I went and washed it and washed my hands and brushed my teeth and held a hot hot washcloth over it for a few minutes until it started to feel less fiery. Then I laid out the box of Benadryl and pointed out my allergy to the boys just in case it got worse. Luckily it was short-lived so probably crab. I'm allergic to crab. 

I still eat it but only once in a blue moon. 

I also had a ripping good gin and tonic after a pretty nice day today. I went shopping. I did some errands. I trimmed some bowls. I got my covid shot, which hopefully is no relation to the crab thing. But you never know. My arm hurts a lot. 

I watched Dahmer. It was bad. So bad. Evan Peters is great, I love him but this was just bad. Maybe I'm icked out by serial killers from my own more recent lifetime and happier to stick with the shadowy ones from the seventies. Which is fine, as the best part of the show was watching 'Jeff' mopping in the prison floor while watching live television footage of John Wayne Gacy's execution by lethal injection. The irony of that was a bit jarring. The show itself was dull. Kind of like a badly-executed The Joker without the in-your-face insanity and undercurrent of evil. Jeff seemed like a misunderstood kid. It was bad. 

Hoping for better tonight. All the shows lately have been such turkeys.