Saturday, 31 December 2022

Twenty Twenty Three.

Have you ever been alone at nightThought you heard footsteps behindAnd turned around and no one's there?And as you quicken up your paceYou find it hard to look againBecause you're sure there's someone there
Never question a princess on whether or not she can competently (and accurately) perform Iron Maiden's Fear of the Dark for an audience. She can and she will because performing is in her blood. Singing is not, especially this genre but I skewed comedic and it held and I had a rousing round of polite and surprised applause. Which is great, because secretly I've been off trying to figure out the lyrics for Halazia (the new Ateez music video) and this had me reaching into the darkest corners of my brain, my fingers trailing lightly over the ghosts the light refused to reveal. 

Iron Maiden remains the singlemost LOUDEST concert I have ever been to. I took earplugs. I was wide-eyed and ringing for days afterward in spite of them, however, but it was fun and I'd do it again. 

I have the tiniest bottle of Piccolo to split with Lochlan on the beach at midnight. The rain is holding off, humanity is ruined, everything's fucked and we'll be standing in the wreckage hoping for a better future, or perhaps amnesia from the past, or something or other. I wrote my resolutions with imposter syndrome and I'll eat them smeared on crow three days from now, having broken every word into matchsticks, as I always do. 

Happy New year.


Thursday, 29 December 2022

I don't talk shit about you on the internet.

We're having a great time singing along at the top of our lungs with Kelly Clarkson's incredible cover of Happier Than Ever. Oh my God, it's a masterpiece.

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Welcome back.

Me, I mean me. 

I have had a great week eating my body weight in chocolates, gin, cheesecake and tourtiere. Turkey, carrots and butterflake rolls. Every time someone walks into this house they bring me a coffee and so I roll through the day into the night and then into the next, wide-eyed, sugar-crushed, Santa-spent and reeling in the glow of our prettiest Christmas decorations, still on the tree.

The weather was bad. So bad. It snowed and snowed and then it rained so hard I thought we would be swept into the sea. I waved to Santa at the mall and he did not see me. Lochlan wanted to make appointments for us to visit with him and I declined. I was tired. I didn't work too hard. I listened to Ali & Theo. I listened to Shostakovich and I put on Ricky Montgomery on for the dog and the dog finally stopped freaking out and fell asleep. 

We changed light bulbs and faucets today. Some were too dim, some too bright. Some faucets were hard to turn, others seized completely. A multi-hundred dollar trip to the hardware store and the assurance of the staff that we wouldn't get a plumber this week left me pointing out that I can do this myself but in the end Lochlan only let me change one of them myself while he and Ben did the others and PJ did two in the next house over, for a case of beer, I think. He came home slightly drunk, anyway. He waited too late to go but we only have one basin wrench so there was no choice in the matter. 

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Spinning back toward reason.

If we're counting the days, we've made it to winter solstice. That means the days will soon be getting longer again, and didn't I get a hint of that this morning, as it seemed bright enough to open the window treatments on the main floor around seven this morning, and I don't think that has happened for a while. 

The boys went out to do a coffee run and we've spent the remainder of the day guessing singers from the Youtube Christmas station Google found for us and has been playing ever since. 

Bing Crosby? 

I think so. 

It's Gene Autry.

Wow. I was so off. What the fuck. 

If you knew Gene Autry by sound I would be surprised. He's a bit before your time. 

I didn't know Pentatonix either, if we're being truly honest. I did know Wham, Bruce Springsteen and John Lennon, played in a row and I half-expected Live Aid to round out the segment but then Mariah Carey came on and I realized there's no human plotting these playlists. I would do half-hour themes, mix old and new a little better than they are now and skip the annoying 'classics' that are repetitive and stale. I would mix in songs from other countries and more rare pieces and some classical, maybe some instrumental. I don't know, maybe that's just as flawed as what I'm listening to now, I suppose and we can't all agree on what's good and bad and that's why you can listen for going on ten days now without hearing the same song twice. 

I need to go light the candles and prepare the rituals. They are just rebirths in the starlight, fresh hymns for new seasons, taking deep breaths and exacting gratitude for everything we fought for, and everything we've kept.

Monday, 19 December 2022

My epic tale (for today).

At the edge of the worldFight the mighty hordeThat bashes and breaks youAnd brings you to mourn

This morning I am listening to Ayla Nereo alternating with The Arcadian Wild and yet my brain is screaming the lines from Toss a Coin to your Witcher at every pause and it's maddening and it's par for the course, sadly. 

And I don't have any attention issues at all, because there is no attention left to be paid. My debt has been cleared and I've moved on to once again pretending to be functional while I wait for Santa, while I bake endless loaves of Stollen bread, while I wrap the few remaining presents and make white-knuckle drives to the store for provisions, for supplies, for escape. 

We're ready and over the next month we're also hosting some guests but all of that depends on the weather, as it's absolute chaos right now. The mountain highways are the first to check out of reality as people in mclarens with racing slicks try to go to North (or South, or East) and take out everyone else. The boys call it road-bowling as the unprepared drivers hurl themselves into perfectly capable everyone else. I sneak out here and there during less-crowded times, shift into four-high and get where I'm going. Back in the day of my sports cars I would throw eighteen-inch snow tires on and use the skills I learned doing donuts in snowy parking lots as a teenager, as instructed by the boys, since I was the last to get my license and was the most celebrated upon doing so. 

They don't worry about me driving and my Jeep is big enough to push everyone else off the road but they worry about me being trapped in traffic endlessly because roads here are designed to be impassible bottlenecks at the BEST of times and that's dumb too.

Thursday, 15 December 2022

Used to be sweet, now I'm just bitter.

Six loaves of bread proofing on the stove this morning, three big crockpots on the go. Beef stew tonight. My recipe, which I won't share and they can't seem to duplicate. It's always almost but not quite. Lo-Fi winter jazz playing through the house thanks to Google being yelled at until he/she got it right. I had it on Shostakovich and it was choosing the most morose pieces I was losing my mind. Then I switched to Ali& Theo and again, the most drag-me-down choices and finally I just said what I thought was the name of my favourite Youtube random snowy cafe jazz music and it was a direct hit. 


The dog is sleeping on the living room floor, one eye open so he can watch me from there. Cat is playing nearby. She's a little maniac and then she conks out for three hours straight. It's hilarious. 

Duncan is also conked out. He did a coffee run, mine was wrong and had cream in it so I drank as much as I could and had to pour out the remainder, almost half a cup. I can't do it. It tastes bad. I'm actually finding that since contracting covid (in September), things since have a weirdly metallic taste and it's difficult to know if it's the thing or me. 

He felt bad, but not bad enough to stay awake and cut onions so there I was, alone in the kitchen with my intrusive, non-consensual thoughts and my ghosts and my tiny grey and white furry friends.

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

On bribing PJ to stay up for the 9:45pm Amazon delivery.

I made it. I didn't think I would but then I got sucked into Lookism on Netflix and it's really good and I had a big glass of orange juice to sip so I went to bed just as Amazon sent an email saying that they would try again tomorrow. That my packages aren't coming. That they ran out of time or something. 

And we're doing it all again tonight. 

My orange juice is two ice cubes, a quarter of a glass of actual juice and then water to the top. The undiluted version is so freaking overly sweet and I grew up in a household where my mother mixed orange juice from concentrate and always added a can of water 'extra' to make it go that much further so to me that's what orange juice tastes like only I'm too lazy to mix the cans. I also am criminally short on freezer space and live with several men who think it's a damn shame how I regiment myself. 

Lochlan just wishes I was that sparing with my alcohol. I can drink the whole of a fermented lake. If they added sugar I would be less likely, you know?

All of this wages an ironic war with my love of candy but I clench my teeth at night and they hurt and sugar somehow makes it all worse right now so we are looking at retraining muscles, different pillows, a shit-ton of relaxing techniques and biofeedback and it's maybe ten percent better already. 

Have I finished wrapping? No. Do I care? Of course not. Do I have any motivation? None to be seen for hundreds of miles in any direction, thank you. Just grey clouds, swirling wind and that unravelling striped scarf I keep meaning to fix after it got snagged on the picket fence one late afternoon in November. 

I am not productive in any creative, meaningful way but I'm not procrastinating either. This morning I did the floors and the beds. The whole house minus the downstairs suite but the theatre too. I swept outside and walked the dog and played with the new kitten, a white Bengal that I weighed days on as she was somewhat feral and unfriendly. Only weeks later and she sleeps in Lochlan's lap as long as he's sitting down. Her name is Aurora. She loves the dog. He thinks she's very interesting.

(I was considering getting a Russian Topaz and then Aurora came along and was touted as unfriendly and not a good choice for adoption and so of course we love a challenge and we gambled and won. How often does that happen?)

My fingertips split from the chemicals and from the dry indoor winter air. I still have my job, though I won't be working many more dates this year. I'd like the next ten days to go by quickly so the days will grow even longer after that. I'd like to have more fun and fret less. Yes, I still fret but I don't care about it so does it even count? And I want to find more of this feuerzangenbowle incense because it smells like Christmas, smells like winter in the woods, a bonfire at the far end of the little bridge just over the brook, a place that felt like it was the middle of nowhere but the highway was only a hundred yards away if you kept walking. My tiny little mind and oversized imagination didn't know that and I was raised by the boys to believe if you walked into the woods they would never end and you would just keep walking until you were lost. Now I see that they said that to keep me from going in alone, but what a gamble. I was such a stubborn little girl that I would have done it just to see if they were right or wrong but Lochlan rarely took his eyes off me and never let go of my hand when we were in the woods, as it were. 

I am going to go wrap some presents and listen to some Christmas music, I think. Then I won't feel so bad about the lack of drive or about who has to stay up late and wait for overworked and underpaid couriers.

Saturday, 10 December 2022

(The She's So Lucky title from the last post was a line from one of Britney's songs in case you live under a rock. I'm not saying she's actually lucky, to clarify a bunch more.)

Christmas is in full swing here, suddenly. The trees are up and done, the gifts are 99% bought and ready, I just need to wrap the gifts now and find decent Christmas crackers. Six boxes. They all such toy-wise. I need to branch out, perhaps. 

A diamond fell out of one of my bestest rings so that goes in to the jeweller today. It's pouring. Hopefully everyone will stay home. I'm watching Lookism on Netflix. I'm still reading The Night and Her Moon. I'm still listening to everything under the sun and I'm drinking the most amazing gin royal by Compass. It's a beautiful elderflower blue and then it turns pink and then lavender when you pour tonic water into it. No, I'm not supposed to drink and yes, everyone cares but its a couple a week if any. I'm fine.

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

She's so lucky.

Are we following the Britney Spears drama on TikTok? Should we be? Is there any, actually or is it all made up and spread around like ashes after a wa-

Let me not go there. Not today. Today has been weird enough. 

I'm not Britney. At least one person a day tries to tell me I am but I'm not, sorry (not sorry).

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

In this hell of a season.

I was going to show you my phone screen from this morning. Forty different alerts from our home security cameras that there was movement on PJ and Duncan (easier to name zones after the boys who inhabit them) and that my TDMySpend categories were through the roof since I spent $3400 yesterday and that was a little more than usual and also I spent specifically a large sum at the music shop and that wasn't included hahaha because it went off the page. It's fine. 

But they talked me out of it because my lock screen is my children's faces and even covered by notifications it wasn't feasible. 

We did decorate today a little. The trees will go up on the weekend but all the garlands and tiny lighted things are everywhere. The wreaths are up. The ancient pocked Santa who sits in the upstairs hallway has arrived and the sled is in the tree out front, above the gates with a spray of LED stars behind it. The reindeer are in the attic storage so we'll get those down on the weekend too. There are three of them. 

It looks vintage and magical, just like I like best. 

Lochlan is singing his most recent favourite, Friday Pilots Club, a song called Would You Mind, and I'm a little weaker in the knees now for it than I was before dark, and I'm not complaining. There are so many I can lean on, lean into, keel over with or simply swoon in the dim lights as the candles drown at the dinner table and the last droplets of wine dry in the throats of the thin glasses we use for every day. 

He will belt it with the passion of a thousand sparks, joined into flame and I swear I've never had eyes for another.