One of the joys of the Collective is the ability to move seamlessly from one boy to another, without losing focus.
I'm kidding. Of course I lose focus. I realize abruptly that the red curls are gone and they've been replaced by caramel or brown or blonde ones, and that the hands are softer/larger/less rough. The voice is deeper or the hold is less fierce, more relaxed or more hesitant. Or even tighter, if that were possible.
We didn't go to church this morning, Sam included, though I sat up and threw a pillow at his head as he snoozed on into the daylight insolently. Think he missed us? Hell, yes he missed us. And I am so happy to be home I never want to leave the point again. I'm already looking at having groceries delivered, and maybe we can have a biweekly champagne one as well.
I'm sure there's a minimum, Caleb says as I talk to him on the phone this morning. They're heading home tomorrow morning, barring any unforseen issues. Direct charter flight. Maybe a stop in Oregon. I don't know. I'll see them when they get here. I'm just happy he and August are still getting along or he and Batman, for that matter, or even he and Schuyler. Daniel gets along with everyone, so I don't have to worry about him.
We'll figure it out, I agree. If we can, we will. If we don't, we don't.
You're agreeable today. Good sleep?
The best.
They let you rest?
No, I laugh. Sam was exceedingly lonely when we got home.
He'll live, Caleb promises, hoping I left Sam be.
Of course. Still agreeable, as ever. Still unapologetic, as always.