I'm visualizing being the luckiest girl on earth today, Manifesting good things into my life, letting my anxieties wash away in a torrent of heavy rain that has turned the ocean into a dull navy blue, a pre-spring grey field of fog and nothingness, a rare time of year in which I don't care how meaningfully the saltwater flows through my veins. It is Schrodinger's ocean today, neither here nor there. Neither alive nor dead.
It'll be very much valuable tomorrow but today I am attempting to summon a level playing field in which I am evenly matched with my own mind and spirit instead of ridiculously underarmored.
Will it work? Who knows? If maladaptive daydreaming saw me through the first forty years maybe this will work for the other forty, even though it's exhausting. I don't have a name for it but at least it doesn't have the obvious and overreaching flat stench of chemical calm.
Good fortune finds me. Good things come to me. I have a skill in crafting a beautiful life. I am popular and people love me. I am strong. I am worthy BLAH BLAH BLAH.
I am sick of myself.
The rains need to wash away all the bad things. All the shitty memories, all the crap we've seen and done, all the crimes of the heart, all the dirt from the trucks, all the sand from the steps, all the chipped paint from around the side door where I so lovingly painted the trim only to pressure wash the siding and blow most of the paint right back off the wood. It's a losing battle on an exposed and harsh spot, however so no big deal. I'll be painting the whole door this spring anyway as I have a metric ton of front door paint left so my plan is to paint all of the exterior doors for fun.
Painting isn't fun but changing up the house is fun. I repainted some of our feature walls already over the winter because they seemed dark. Now it almost all seems too bright. We bought some new pieces and let some things go. We're ending what doesn't work but worked because good enough. Rarely can you get me to change up good enough for really good but here I am doing it. Surprise.
The rain is threatening to wash away dreams, roads and fingerprints at this point so I gotta go and make sure the kittens are all cozy and the hatches are battened down. Why this falls to me I will never know.